The Digital Challenge for Multinational Mobile Network Operators. More Marginalization or Rejuvenation?
Paul N. Gooderham, Frank Elter, Torben Pedersen and Alexander Madsen Sandvik
Journal of International Management, 28(4), (2022)
Do honesty-nudges really work? A large-scale field experiment in an insurance context
Jareef Bin Martuza, Siv E. Rosendahl Skard, Lavrans Løvlie and Helge Thorbjørnsen
Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 1-25 (2022)
Exploring economic optimum fishing efforts: a case of Japanese swordfish longline fishery
Gakushi Ishimura, Keita Abe, Kaitoh Kanazawa and Tomoaki Goto
Fisheries Science, 88(2), 245-258 (2022)
A Dynamic Model of Endogenous Fishing Duration
Keita Abe and Christofer M. Anderson
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (2022)
Evaluating the impact of COVID-19 on ex-vessel prices using time-series analysis
Keita Abe, Gakushi Ishimura, Shinya Baba, Shota Yasui and Kohsuke Nakamura
Fisheries Science (2022), 88, 191-202 (2022)
Mortality salience effects fail to replicate in traditional and novel measures
Bjørn Sætrevik and Hallgeir Sjåstad
Meta-Psychology (2022)
Bank Consolidation, Interest Rates, and Risk: A Post-Merger Analysis Based on Loan-Level Data from the Corporate Sector
Steffen Juranek, Øivind Anti Nilsen and Simen Aardal Ulsaker
Journal of Competition Law & Economics (2022)
Contractual Obligations and Vessel Speed: Empirical Evidence from the Capesize Drybulk Market
Vit Prochazka and Roar Os Ådland
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (2022)
Willingness to pay for mangrove restoration to reduce the climate change impacts on ecotourism in Rekawa coastal wetland, Sri Lanka
Salpage Nesha Dushani, Margrethe Aanesen and Claire W. Armstrong
Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy (2022)
Centers of data appropriation: evidence from a Nordic hotel chain
Dan-Richard Knudsen, Anatoli Bourmistrov and Katarina Kaarbøe
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 35(9), 81-108 (2022)
Market Potential for Quality Certified Dried Fish: A Consumer Choice Experiment in the Galle District of Sri Lanka
M.U.N. Gunawardana, W.N. De Silva and Margrethe Aanesen
Tropical Agricultural Research, 33(2): 223-233 (2022)
LMX kongruens og jobbprestasjoner i team: Den medierende effekten av OCB. En studie av hvordan relasjonen mellom leder og dens team påvirker OCB og jobbprestasjon i små norske regnskapsbedrifter
Andrea Blikås Sæle og Karoline Blomgren
Like barn leker best? En studie om relasjoner
Jørgen Mongstad Eriksen og Marita Kleiberg Hestenes
Cooperating with competitors. An exploratory case study of cooperative relationships between competing firms in NCE Finance Innovation
Ida Jødahl and Vanessa Vance