Agil arbeidsmetode under en pandemi. En eksplorerende casestudie om hvordan agil arbeidsmetode utføres under en pandemi
Helene Vølen Koppen og Fredrik Tonning
The Functions of Leadership in Managing Paradoxical Tensions in Coopetitive Interfirm Strategies. A Qualitative Case Study from the Fintech Industry
Johanne G. Hagelin and Stine H. Sætre
Agil organisering i et komplekst selskap med store avhengigheter. En kvalitativ casestudie om agil organisering i et veletablert finanskonsern
Iselin Førland og Sara Klemp
Organizational Legitimacy in Innovation Units with Radical Mandates. An exploratory case study unpacking the role of New Tech Lab in the DNB organization
Victor Antonio Ruiz Bergerskogen
How public bodies deal with technological uncertainty over time. An exploratory analysis through dynamic capabilities lenses
Claudia Zamarian
Organizational Ambidexterity as a Vehicle for Sustainability Innovation. An exploratory case study
Valentina Gonzalez Båkind and Marte Valleraunet Grønli
Strategic Renewal in Established Firms. Exploring Identity Processes in Structurally Ambidextrous Firms
Wiktoria Jaworska
Optimal Management of a Renewable Resource Under Multiple Regimes
Sturla F. Kvamsdal
Environmental and Resource Economics (2022)
Eliminating Competition in Fisheries Management: The Mediterranean Case
Helge Berglann, Trond Bjørndal and Francesc Maynou
Coping, Not Choking, Under the Pressure of a Terrorist Attack: A Crisis Leadership Coping Model
Synnøve Nesse and Inger G. Stensaker
Journal of Applied Behavioral Science (2021)
A geographical theory of (De)industrialization
José Pedro Pontes and Armando José Garcia Pires
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 59, 567-574 (2021)
'Americanization' and the drivers of the establishment and use of works councils in three post-socialist countries
Richard Croucher, Paul N. Gooderham and Alexander Madsen Sandvik
Human Resource Management Journal (2021)
The influence of media attention on retail price competition
Derek Clark, Øystein Foros and Hans Jarle Kind
I Nesset, E., Solli-Sæther, H. og Strand, Ø. (red.): Bidrag innen kundeverdi og marked. Festskrift til Øyvind Helgesen. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget
Amalie Tusvik and Trond Bjørndal
Framework conditions for renewable energy: Towards a new era of carbonomics? (2021)
Kostnader og nytte ved miljøtiltak i norsk lakseoppdrett
Anne Lie, Majken Tjora, Henrik Lindhjem, Ståle Navrud, Margrethe Aanesen og Gorm Kopperberg
Samfunnsøkonomen, nr. 6, 17-31 (2021)