
Hvilken kompetanse trenger toppledere for å bidra til innovasjon?
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Magma, 25(3), 91-98 (2022)
The Future of Wild-Caught Fisheries: Expanding the Scope of Management
Kailin Kroetz, Linda Nøstbakken and Martin Quaas
Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 16(2), 241-261 (2022)
Covid og HR-feltet i Norge
Erik Døving, Paul N. Gooderham og Henrik Øhrn
Altruist talk may (also) be cheap: Revealed versus stated altruism as a predictor in stated preference surveys
Endre Kildal Iversen, Kristine Grimsrud, Yohei Mitani and Henrik Lindhjem
Environmental and Resource Economics (2022)
Negative shocks in an age-structured bioeconomic model and how to deal with them
Yuanming Ni, Stein Ivar Steinshamn and Sturla Furunes Kvamsdal
Economic Analysis and Policy, 76, 15-30 (2022)
Can Norway become a net-zero economy under scenarios of tourism growth?
Ya-Yen Sun, Stefan Gössling, Leif Egil Hem, Nina Marianne Iversen, Hans Jakob Walnum, Daniel Scott and Ove Oklevik
Journal of Cleaner Production, 363, 132414 (2022)
Catch More to Catch Less: Estimating Timing Choice as Dynamic Bycatch Avoidance Behavior
Keita Abe, Christopher M. Anderson and Matthew N. Reimer
Environmental & Resource Economics, 82(4), 953-984 (2022)
The Digital Challenge for Multinational Mobile Network Operators. More Marginalization or Rejuvenation?
Paul N. Gooderham, Frank Elter, Torben Pedersen and Alexander Madsen Sandvik
Journal of International Management, 28(4), (2022)
Do honesty-nudges really work? A large-scale field experiment in an insurance context
Jareef Bin Martuza, Siv E. Rosendahl Skard, Lavrans Løvlie and Helge Thorbjørnsen
Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 1-25 (2022)
Exploring economic optimum fishing efforts: a case of Japanese swordfish longline fishery
Gakushi Ishimura, Keita Abe, Kaitoh Kanazawa and Tomoaki Goto
Fisheries Science, 88(2), 245-258 (2022)
A Dynamic Model of Endogenous Fishing Duration
Keita Abe and Christofer M. Anderson
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (2022)
Evaluating the impact of COVID-19 on ex-vessel prices using time-series analysis
Keita Abe, Gakushi Ishimura, Shinya Baba, Shota Yasui and Kohsuke Nakamura
Fisheries Science (2022), 88, 191-202 (2022)
Mortality salience effects fail to replicate in traditional and novel measures
Bjørn Sætrevik and Hallgeir Sjåstad
Meta-Psychology (2022)
Bank Consolidation, Interest Rates, and Risk: A Post-Merger Analysis Based on Loan-Level Data from the Corporate Sector
Steffen Juranek, Øivind Anti Nilsen and Simen Aardal Ulsaker
Journal of Competition Law & Economics (2022)