Salmon aquaculture in the Faroe Islands - historical developments and future prospects
Trond Bjørndal and Zvonimir P. D. Mrdalo
Aquaculture Economics & Management (2023)
Taking the biscuit: how Safari privacy policies affect online advertising
Simeon Duckworth, Mateusz Myśliwski and Lars Nesheim
Multidimensional information and firm strategies
Malin Arve, Heiko Karle and Markus Reisinger
To tell or not to tell: Preference elicitation with and without emphasis on scientific uncertainty
Margrethe Aanesen, Claire Armstrong, Trude Borch, Reinhold Fieler, Vera Hausner, Gorm Kipperberg, Henrik Lindhjem and Ståle Navrud
Land Economics (2023)
We Can Manage: Experimental Evidence from Savings Groups in Uganda
Kjetil Bjorvatn and Bertil Tungodden
Journal of African Economies (2022)
Structuring the Start-up: How Coordination Emerges in Start-ups through Learning Sequencing
Marius Jones and Peter Kalum Schou
Academy of Management Journal (2022)
The impact of cultural variability on brand stereotype, emotion and purchase intention
Alexander Jakubanecs, Magne Supphellen, James G. Helgeson, Hege Mathea Haugen and Njål Sivertstøl
Journal of Consumer Marketing (2022)
Greed is good: Heuristic adaptations for resilience in renewable resource management
Yuanming Ni, Leif K. Sandal and Sturla F. Kvamsdal
Natural Resource Modeling (2022)
The wisdom in crowd sourced weather forecasts
Michael Morreau, Keita Abe and Margrethe Aanesen
Screening for partial collusion in retail electricity markets
Armando Garcia Pires and Frode Skjeret
Energy Economics, 117 (2022)
The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement: Issue linkages and its implications for fisheries management and trade in seafood
Christel Elvestad and Trond Bjørndal
Marine Policy, 148 (2022)
Building conditions and citizen satisfaction with local public services
Arnt-Ove Hopland and Sturla Kvamsdal
Facilities (2022)
Increasing turnout with a text message: evidence from a large campaign from the government
Ole-Andreas Elvik Næss
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (2022)
Søvn- og mobilvaner. Effekter av refleksjon og informasjonsdulter
Armando Garcia Pires og Nina Serdarevic
The Costs and Environmental Justice Concerns of NIMBY in Solid Waste Disposal
Phuong Ho
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (2022)