Regnskapsdatabasen - Norwegian Corporate Accounts. Documentation and quality assurance of SNF and NHH's database of accounting and corporate information on Norwegian companies
Aksel Mjøs og Simon Flatebø Selle
The Tourism Industry in Vestland during the Green Transition: Stakeholder Perspectives on Challenges and Opportunities
Endre Kildal Iversen and Rasmus Bøgh Holmen
Supporting Independent Thinking. An empirical study of mediating and moderating effects on the relationship between servant leadership and the innovative climate
Magnus Furuseth and Hillevi Leknes
Leading Through an “Emotional Roller Coaster”: The Centrality of Emotion Management in Achieving Sustainable Innovation. A Qualitative Case Study from the Norwegian energy sector
Hanne Gulbrandsen and Susanne I. Schmeling Thue
How Leadership Dynamics Differs in High- and Low-Performing Firms in a Sustainable Innovation Context. A Qualitative Case Study from the Health Tech Sector
Sigrid K. Undeland and Martin Skarpholt
Kunsten å “sette teamet”. Utfordringer og muligheter ved bruk av oppstartsverktøy
Thea Louise Horstad Dahlen og Vivill Rysstad Talsnes
The Norwegian Innovation Index Methodological Foundations
Seidali Kurtmollaiev, Line Lervik-Olsen and Tor W. Andreassen
Søvn- og mobilvaner. Effekter av refleksjon og informasjonsdulter
Armando Garcia Pires og Nina Serdarevic
Regnskapsdatabasen - Norwegian Corporate Accounts. Documentation and quality assurance of SNF and NHH's database of accounting and corporate information on Norwegian companies
Aksel Mjøs and Simon Flatebø Selle
LMX kongruens og jobbprestasjoner i team: Den medierende effekten av OCB. En studie av hvordan relasjonen mellom leder og dens team påvirker OCB og jobbprestasjon i små norske regnskapsbedrifter
Andrea Blikås Sæle og Karoline Blomgren
Like barn leker best? En studie om relasjoner
Jørgen Mongstad Eriksen og Marita Kleiberg Hestenes
Cooperating with competitors. An exploratory case study of cooperative relationships between competing firms in NCE Finance Innovation
Ida Jødahl and Vanessa Vance