
Short-sighted greed? Focusing on the future promotes reputation-based generosity
Hallgeir Sjåstad
Judgment and Decision Making, 14(2), 199-213 (2019)
Gjenstridige problemer og tverretatlig samordning: Et analytisk rammeverk
Torstein Nesheim, Leif Jarle Gressgård, Kåre Hansen og Simon Neby
Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift, 35(1), 28-50 (2019)
Developing brand emotions across cultures: effects of self-construal and context
Alexander Jakubanecs, Magne Supphellen, Hege Mathea Haugen and Njål Sivertstøl
Journal of Consumer Marketing (2019)
Elicitation of salient brand emotions in Western and East Asian markets: The role of elicitation context
Alexander Jakubanecs, Magne Supphellen, Alexander Fedorikhin, Hege Mathea Haugen and Njål Sivertstøl
International Journal of Market Research (2019)
Gender, Formality, and Entrepreneurial Success
Lars Ivar Oppedal Berge and Armando José Garcia Pires
Small Business Economics (2019)
Digitaldirektøren som endringsagent
Kjersti Berg Danilova, Monica Rydland, Jon Iden og Bendik Bygstad
Magma, nr. 2, 22-28 (2019)
Competition with Personalized Pricing and Strategic Product Differentiation
Øystein Foros, Hans Jarle Kind and Mai Nguyen-Ones
Technology selection - the impact of economic risk on decision making
Andrew S. King, Nicholas G. Elliott, Mark A. James, Catriona K. MacLeod and Trond Bjørndal
Aquaculture Economics & Management, 22(4), 383-409 (2018)
An Anatomy of Cartel Contracts
Ari Hyytinen, Frode Steen and Otto Toivanen
The Economic Journal (2018)
Contractual Barriers and Energy Efficiency in the Crude Oil Supply Chain
Roar Os Ådland and Haiying Jia
2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM) (2019)
A comparison of the Big Four Professional Service Firms
Ingeborg Louise Gustavsen and Mathias Hove Zimmer