Eierskaps- og kapitalflytanalyse av norsk oppdrettsnæring
Linda Nøstbakken og Simon Flatebø Selle
Modern Compliance Policies in Fisheries
Florian Diekert, Linda Nøstbakken and Andries Richter
Planer for gode vaner: Et felteksperiment mot arbeidsledighet. Sluttrapport
Kjetil Bjorvatn, Mathias Ekström, Anne Karen Guro Hadland og Armando G. Pires
Autonomous vessels: state of the art and potential opportunities in logistics
Yewen Gu, Julio Cesar Goez, Mario Guajardo and Stein W. Wallace
International Transactions in Operational Research (2020)
Handling financial risks in crude oil imports: Taking into account crude oil prices as well as country and transportation risks
Shuang Wang, Stein W. Wallace, Jing Lu and Yewen Gu
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 133 (2020)
Helping behavior is non-zero-sum: Helper and recipient autobiographical accounts of help
Michael R. Ent, Hallgeir Sjåstad, William von Hippel and Roy F. Baumeister
Evolution and Human Behavior (2020)
Assessment of the economic performance of the seabream and seabass aquaculture industry in the European Union
Ignacio Llorente, José Fernández-Polanco, Elisa Baraibar-Diez, María D. Odriozola, Trond Bjørndal, Frank Asche, Jordi Guillen, Lamprakis Avdelas, Rasmus Nielsen, Maria Cozzolino, Manuel Luna, José L. Fernández-Sánchez, Ladislao Luna, Cristóbal Aguilera and Bernardo Basurco
Marine Policy (2020)
Ocean Mesh Grid: Applications in Shipping Modeling
Vit Prochazka and Roar Adland
2019 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM) (2020)
Ecosystem wealth in the Barents Sea
Sturla F. Kvamsdal, Leif K. Sandal and Diwakar Poudel
Ecological Economics, 171 (2020)
A Global Blue Revolution: Aquaculture Growth Across Regions, Species, and Countries
Taryn Garlock, Frank Asche, James Anderson, Trond Bjørndal, Ganesh Kumar, Kai Lorenzen, Andrew Ropicki, Martin D. Smith and Ragnar Tveterås
Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture, 28(1), 107-116 (2020)
The customer is king: Evidence on VAT compliance in Tanzania
Odd-Helge Fjeldstad, Cecilia Kagoma, Ephraim Mdee, Ingrid Hoem Sjursen and Vincent Somville
World Development, 128 (2020)
Hedging ship price risk using freight derivatives in the drybulk market
Roar Adland, Haakon Ameln and Eirik A. Børnes
Journal of Shipping and Trade, 5, 1 (2020)
In the pursuit of understanding how to develop organizational capability to create consistency between day-to-day practices and changing demands
Bjarne Espedal
Beta, 33(2), 215-228 (2019)
Secularity, abortion, assisted dying and the future of conscientious objection: modelling the relationship between attitudes
Morten Magelssen, Nhat Quang Le and Magne Supphellen
BMC Medical Ethics, 20(65) (2019)
Hvordan "mission" motiverer ansatte til gode prestasjoner
Alexander Madsen Sandvik, Steven Whiting og Arne Seglem Larsen
Magma, nr. 7, 71-76 (2019)