Arnt Ove Hopland

Research interests
- Tax and public economics
- Econometrics
- Environmental and resource economics
Selected publications
- Borge, L.-E., Hopland A.O. 2023. Fiscal and political determinants of local government maintenance. Building Research & Information, 51, 937-948.
- Kvamsdal, S.F., Hopland, A.O., Li, Y., Selle, S. 2022. Expert opinions on threats and impacts in the marine environment. Marine Policy, 147, 105382.
- Kvamsdal, S.F., Belik, I., Hopland, A.O., Li, Y. 2021. A machine learning analysis of the recent environmental and resource economics literature. Environmental and Resource Economics, 79, 93-115.
- Borge, L.-E. and Hopland, A.O. 2020. Less fiscal oversight, more adjustment. European Journal of Political Economy, 63, 101893.
- Hopland, A.O., Ullmann, R. 2020. Pushing the wrong buttons: VAT evasion by misclassification of meal consumption type. European Accounting Review, 29, 975-997.
- Hopland, A.O., Kvamsdal, S.F. 2019. Building conditions in Norwegian local governments: trends and determinants. Facilities, 37, 141-156.
- Hopland, A.O., Lisowsky, P., Mardan, M., Schindler, D. 2018. Flexibility in Income shifting under losses. The Accounting Review, 93, 163-183.
- Zoutman, F., Gavrilova, E., Hopland, A.O. 2018. Estimating Both Supply and Demand Elasticities Using Variation in a Single Tax Rate. Econometrica, 86, 763-771.
- Hopland, A.O. 2014. Voter information and electoral outcomes: The Norwegian list of shame. Public Choice, 161, 233-355.
- Hopland, A.O. 2013. Central government control and fiscal adjustment: Norwegian evidence. Economics of Governance, 14, 185-203.