I specialise in the intersections of media, technology, strategy, and innovation. My PhD from the University of Cambridge examined the newspaper industry's digital and financial transformation through quantitative and qualitative methods, including 125 interviews with media executives. I'm an adept public speaker and often feature in Norwegian media as an expert on media business. I also co-host NHH's podcast on leadership research ('Lederskap') and write a regular column for Aftenposten.
Tellef Solbakk Raabe

Research interests:
- Media business
- Media policy, regulation, and competition
- Digitalisation and innovation
- Leadership and strategy
- Social theory
Research projects:
- MaDDO – Management of Data-Driven Organisations (Akademiaavtalen)
- MAI-CTV – Media and AI: Creating Trust and Value (application pending)
- Subsidised Access to News: A Novel Media Policy for Adolescents? (Medietilsynet)
- Board of Directors (DIG/NHH)
- Substitution and Ownership in the Norwegian Newspaper Market (Konkurransetilsynet)
- Invest4Health (EU Horizon)
- Newspapers' Digital Transformation (financed by the Cambridge Trust, RAM, Jansons legat, Sparebank1 research award, and Fritt Ord)
- RaCE – Managing Radical Technology-driven Change in Established Firms (SOL/NHH)
- Digitalt foreldreskap i Norge (financed by RAM and UiO)
- Political Commentators and Power (financed by the Aker Scholarship and Michael Width Endresens fond)
Selected publications:
- Raabe, T. S. (2023) The Norwegian Newspaper Industry in the Digital Age. PhD Thesis. University of Cambridge.
- Raabe, T. S. (2020) 'Leirbålene slukner', Samtiden, 130(2), pp. 78–85.
- Raabe, T. S. (2018) 'Slutten på kommentariatets diktatur', Samtiden, 128(4), pp. 104–109.
- Raabe, T. S. (2018) The Power of Political Commentators in the Age of Social Media. MPhil Dissertation. University of Cambridge.
- Raabe, T. S., Kopperstad, I. and Gjerding, C. (2017) ‘Transcenderende ledelse’, Magma, 20(2), pp. 69–75.
- For an overview of other publications, see CRISTIN.
Working papers and conference proceedings:
- Raabe, T. S. (forthcoming) Newspaper Economics in the Digital Age: How Norway’s Press Combined Print and Digital for Profit.
- Raabe, T. S. (working title) ‘Digital Success: Business Model Innovation in the Norwegian Newspaper Industry’
- Raabe, T. S. (working title) ‘Driving or Preventing Change? A Case Study of Media Groups’ Board of Directors’ Role in Strategic Change, Renewal, and Innovation’
- Raabe, T. S. (working title) ‘Controlled Access: Towards a New Theory of Paywalls’
- Author 1 and Raabe, T. S. (working title) ‘High-Frequency Attention Trading’
- Raabe, T. S. (working title) ‘McLunacy Revisited: The Relevance of Marshall McLuhan in the Digital Age’
Research Groups:
- BMB – Bergen Media Business Research Group (SNF/NHH/UiB), leader
- DIG – Digital Innovation for Sustainable Growth (NHH/SNF), member
- Innovation, Strategy and Marketing (SNF), member
- Industrial Organization (SNF), member
- POLKOM – Senter for studier av politisk kommunikasjon (UiO), member
- MBU – Bergen Meda Use Research Group (UiB), member
- CID – Network for Culture, Inequality and Democracy (UiB), member
- Journalism Studies (UiB), member