About SNF

SNF is part of the NHH-Group, dedicated to the task of initiating and undertaking contract research.

We conduct research and research based studies for central decision makers in private and public sectors.

SNF is owned by NHH - Norwegian School of Economics (85%) and the SNF Foundation (15%). 

SNF is an approved research organization by the Research Council of Norway and receives public basic funding.

Research Environment

SNF is one of Norway's leading research environment when it comes to applied research in economics and business administration, and has developed strong connections to other research institutions in Norway and abroad. The research is conducted by SNF’s own staff and in close collaboration with faculty members at NHH.

The research staff of SNF consists of 25 full time researchers. In addition, we engage around 90 researchers from the scientific staff of the NHH and other research institutions in Norway and abroad. This means that SNF has a broad competence base at its disposal, of which almost all have a PhDs or equivalent academic qualifications.

SNF has an annual turnover of approximately NOK 65 mill. Altogether SNF conducts roughly 30-35 man years of research on an annual basis.