Norwegian investments in specialised shipping: an exploration of the formative period, 1960-1977
Stig Tenold
In the 1970s and 1980s, as world shipping was in crisis, some Norwegian companies coped relatively well on the basis of participation in specialised segments, for instance car transports, gas, cruise and chemical shipping. Yet, the engagement in these niches was a recent phenomenon. Around 1960 none of these market segments had been clearly defined, and the Norwegian investments in specialised vessels were very limited.
The aim of the paper is to quantify the degree of specialisation in the Norwegian fleet and increase our knowledge of the companies participating in these niches. Initially, the criteria that define the ‘niche operators’ in 1977 are discussed and the companies in question are identified. Two aspects of the companies owning such vessels – size and geographical location – will be analysed.
The aim of the paper is to quantify the degree of specialisation in the Norwegian fleet and increase our knowledge of the companies participating in these niches. Initially, the criteria that define the ‘niche operators’ in 1977 are discussed and the companies in question are identified. Two aspects of the companies owning such vessels – size and geographical location – will be analysed.
Written in english