Essays on electricity markets
Linda Rud
The report covers several topics of electricity markets: The first essay, ‘Selected Topics on Early Electricity Market Design in Norway’ studies market design issues in establishing the market-based Norwegian electricity market. Essays 2-4 focus on issues of network congestion: ‘Capacity Charges: A Price Adjustment Process for Managing Congestion in Electricity Transmission Networks’ presents the capacity charge approach for managing transmission constraints in electricity networks. ‘Understanding the Stochastics of Nodal Prices: Price Processes in a Constrained Network’ seeks a further understanding of stochastic nodal prices processes. ‘Investment Evaluation in a Constrained Electricity Network with Stochastic Nodal Price Processes’ studies how the interaction of the competitive market and the capacitated network affects the evaluation of investments under uncertainty, and points out potential pitfalls of evaluation. In the last essay, ‘A Newsboy Model Perspective on the Power Market: The Case of a Wind Power Producer’ we discuss aspects of optimal bidding for a wind power producer.
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