Handelshindringer i laksenæringen
Inger Beate Pettersen og Bernt Aarset
The main focus of this study is trade barriers of Norwegian salmon. In particular, we focus on barriers related to how the trade is organised and the exporters’ relations to consumer groups. More specifically, we investigate the impact of market and consumer specific investments, networks, risks, and corruption. Further, we investigate to what extent and in what ways transport, logistics, market demand, unfair competition, market obstructions, and international standards comprise important barriers. We investigate Norwegian exporters’ evaluation of trade barriers and the Norwegian trade policy to overcome barriers and improve the conditions for export of salmon, based on their experience in different markets. We discuss the impact of strategies for market entrance, selection of consumer groups, and trade organisation on the market effort, integration and position for Norwegian salmon. Finally we compare the market effort in three distinct markets: EU, Russia/Eastern Europe, and Japan.
Written in english