Det norske radiomarkedet - effektene av Kanal 24 sin etablering
Tone Kirkhus Aarø
Målet med utredningen er å analysere effektene av Kanal 24 sin etablering på radiomarkedet. Jeg identifiserer effekter både i lyttermarkedet og reklamemarkedet. Det har vært vanskelig for Kanal 24 å få fotfeste i lyttermarkedet. De etablerte aktørene har fordeler i form av merkenavn og faste lyttere, og lojaliteten blant radiolytterne har vist seg å være svært stor. Kanal 24 har blitt svært lik P4, og selv etter gjentatte forbedringer av ”profilen” har de ikke nådd sine målsetninger. I reklamemarkedet har Kanal 24 også tapt mye. Lyttergarantiene overfor annonsørene har ikke blitt oppfylt, og dette har ført til at kanalen har måttet gi kompensasjon i form av gratis ekstrareklamer. Den positive effekten av nyetableringen er at radio har fått større oppmerksomhet det siste
året, og dermed har nye annonsører begynt å bruke radio som reklamekanal. Nettoprisene på reklame ser ut til å øke i 2005. Dette er en indirekte effekt av Kanal 24 sin etablering. Abstract The purpose of this paper is to analyze possible effects of Kanal 24’s entry into the Norwegian radio broadcasting market. Effects are identified in both the market for listeners and the advertising market Kanal 24 has had a difficult start in the market for listeners. Already established radio channels have had certain advantages such as a well-known brand name as well as a regular and loyal audience. Kanal 24 has become very similar to P4, and even after repeated improvements the channel has not managed to achieve its goals. Kanal 24 has also experienced big losses in the advertising market. They started out guaranteeing the advertisers a certain number of listeners, a promise they did not manage to fulfil. As a result, they had to give the advertisers free advertising space as compensation. A positive effect of Kanal 24’s entrance into the radio broadcasting market has been that it gave radio broadcasting much more attention, and as a consequence new advertisers have been drawn to this medium. Net prices on advertising seem to be increasing in 2005, which is probably an indirect effect of the entry of Kanal 24.
året, og dermed har nye annonsører begynt å bruke radio som reklamekanal. Nettoprisene på reklame ser ut til å øke i 2005. Dette er en indirekte effekt av Kanal 24 sin etablering. Abstract The purpose of this paper is to analyze possible effects of Kanal 24’s entry into the Norwegian radio broadcasting market. Effects are identified in both the market for listeners and the advertising market Kanal 24 has had a difficult start in the market for listeners. Already established radio channels have had certain advantages such as a well-known brand name as well as a regular and loyal audience. Kanal 24 has become very similar to P4, and even after repeated improvements the channel has not managed to achieve its goals. Kanal 24 has also experienced big losses in the advertising market. They started out guaranteeing the advertisers a certain number of listeners, a promise they did not manage to fulfil. As a result, they had to give the advertisers free advertising space as compensation. A positive effect of Kanal 24’s entrance into the radio broadcasting market has been that it gave radio broadcasting much more attention, and as a consequence new advertisers have been drawn to this medium. Net prices on advertising seem to be increasing in 2005, which is probably an indirect effect of the entry of Kanal 24.
Written in norwegian