On a clear day you can see all the way to Brussels: The transformation of aquaculture regulation in Norway
Bernt Aarset and Stig Erik Jakobsen
In this paper we study the evolution of the regulation of the Norwegian aquaculture industry, in particular how European integration has affected the development of the regulatory regime. We analyse whether the transformation constitutes a transition from a national-based and corporative management system to a technocratic regulation regime that emphasises control and monitoring. The two perspectives of this study are, first, how global administrative reform (so-called New Public Management) has affected aquaculture management in Norway and secondly, how Norway’s position outside the European Community has affected the political authorities’ ability to maintain nation-based regulation of this industry. The paper concludes that there has been a technocratic and de-politicised change in the management of the aquaculture industry, geared towards cost efficiency and profitability, where transparency and harmonisation with EU legislation are important, while rural claims have less say
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