The electricity sector of Uganda - results of development assistance
Ottar Mæstad
Over the last decade, NORAD has spent almost 400 mill. NOK on the development of the electricity sector of Uganda. This note briefly discusses the background for the Norwegian support to this sector, describes the nature of the Norwegian aid, and reports some of the results that have been achieved. This is not an evaluation report. This note is written as part of an internal NORAD project focussing on results management in development cooperation in general. The aim of the project is to improve NORAD’s communication of results, in order to both enhance learning and to be better able to communicate results to the general public in Norway. Part of the project consisted of a field-visit to Uganda in January/February 2003, where the reporting systems related to the Norwegian support in the electricity sector were used as a case-study. Although the focus of the team was primarily with the systems of results management as such, an inevitable by-product was to gain insights into the actual achievements in this area of support. This report synthesises the results that the team came by during their visit, without digging too deeply into the subject matter. The first two sections briefly describe the background for the Norwegian support to the electricity sector of Uganda and the projects that Norway has been involved in. Results are discussed in section 3, and our main conclusions are gathered in section 4.
Written in english