Measuring the Impacts of Electronic Commerce on Business. Firm-Level Case Studies in Two Norwegian Industries
Gunnar E. Christensen, Leif B. Methlie and Leif Jarle Gressgård
The objective of this research was to assess the dynamics and impacts of electronic commerce in the value chains of products and services. The research was conducted as part of a multinational OECD-project, which aimed at improving the overall understanding of electronic commerce on business. This research project was based on case studies of selected firms in various industries, and adopted a transaction structure approach. More specifically, it aimed at investigating how and why certain groups of traders exchange goods and services in specific ways, and how new information and communication technology influence the interaction between the participants in the value chain. The Norwegian case studies were selected from the travelling industry, Berg Hansen travelling agency, and the financial services industry, Den norske bank. The results of the studies indicate that new technology are likely to have major consequences for single firms as well as for entire industries by altering the way products and services are produced, distributed and sold. More specifically, we experience an evolution towards more specialized value chain participants, more customized and differentiated products and services, and an overall increase in customer focus. However, these changes are at a preliminary stage, and it is too early in the process to make conclusions regarding actual effects of electronic commerce on the travel and financial services industries.
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