Trond Bjørndal

Research field
Natural resource economics, specialising in fisheries and aquaculture economics
Recent and ongoing projects
- FlexiFish - Developing flexible instruments for mixed fisheries
- PANDORA - Paradigm for Novel Dynamic Oceanic Resource Assessments
- Mediterranean Aquaculture Integrated Development (MedAID)
Selected publications
- Bjørndal, T. & Mrdalo, Z.P.D. (2023). Salmon aquaculture in the Faroe Islands - historical developments and future prospects. Aquaculture Economics & Management.
- Asadikia, H., Mosavi, S. H., Reed, M. R., Bjørndal, T., Alamdarlo, H. N. & Khalilian, S. (2022). Two-level trout supply chain’s economic efficiency analysis in Iran: Trout egg import subsidies role. Reviews in Aquaculture, 1-15.
- Akbari, N., Bjørndal, T., Failler, P., Forse, A., Taylor, M. A. & Drakeford, B. (2022). A Multi-Criteria Framework for the Sustainable Management of Fisheries: A Case Study of UK’s North Sea Scottish Fisheries. Environmental Management.
- Roll, K.H., Asche, F. & Bjørndal, T. (2021). The effect of introducing fuel tax to the Norwegian fishery industry. Marine Policy, 135, 104829.
- Akbari, N., Maynou, F., Bjørndal, T., Failler, P., Drakeford, B. & Forse, A. (2021). Scenarios of profitability of western Mediterranean demersal fisheries in an effort control regime. Journal of Environmental Management, 300, 113794.
- Brasão, A., Bjørndal, T. & Munro, G. (2021). Fisheries Management: An Overview. In Leal Filho, W., Azul, A.M., Brandli, L., Lange Salvia, A. & Wall, T. (eds.): Life Below Water. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham. - Bjørndal, T. & Munro, G. R. (2021). A game theoretic perspective on the management of shared North Sea fishery resources: Pre and post Brexit. Marine Policy, 132, 104669.
- Bjørndal, T., Foss, T., Munro, G. R. & Schou, M. (2021). Brexit and consequences for quota sharing in the Barents Sea cod fishery. Marine Policy, 131, 104622.
- Liu, X., Shaw, D., Bjørndal, T. & Heino, M. (2020). The Day-to-Day Supply Responses of a Limited-Entry Mixed Fishery. Marine Resource Economics, 36(1), 1-20.
- Bjørndal, T. & Munro, G. R. (2020). Brexit og framtidig fiskeriforvaltning i Nordsjøen. I Melchior, A. & Nilssen, F. (red.): Sjømatnæringen og Europa. EØS og alternativene. Kap. 9, 264-291. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
- Bjørndal, T. & Tusvik, A. (2020). Economic analysis of on-growing of salmon post-smolts. Aquaculture Economics & Management.
- Llorente, I., Fernández-Polanco, J., Baraibar-Diez, E., Odriozola, M. D., Bjørndal, T., Asche, F., Guillen, J., Avdelas, L., Nielsen, R., Cozzolino, M., Luna, M., Fernández-Sánchez, J. L., Luna, L., Aguilera, C. & Basurco, B. (2020). Assessment of the economic performance of the seabream and seabass aquaculture industry in the European Union. Marine Policy.
- Garlock, T., Asche, F., Anderson, J., Bjørndal, T., Kumar, G., Lorenzen, K., Ropicki, A., Smith, M. D. & Tveterås, R. (2020). A Global Blue Revolution: Aquaculture Growth across Regions, Species, and Countries. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture, 28(1), 107-116.
- Bjørndal, T. & Tusvik, A. (2019). Economic analysis of land based farming of salmon. Aquaculture Economics & Management, 23(4), 449-475.
- Bjørndal, T., Guillen, J. & Rad, F. (2019). Are farmed European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) prices in European Union markets affected by Turkish exports of farmed European seabass? Aquaculture Economics & Management, 23(3), 341-357.
- Arnason, R., Bjørndal, T., Gordon, D.V. & Bezabih, M. (2018). Measuring Potential Rents in the North Sea Herring Fishery. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 100(3), 889-905.
- Bjørndal, E., Bjørndal, M., Midthun, K.T. & Tomasgard, A. (2018). Stochastic electricity dispatch: A challenge for market design. Energy, 150, 992-1005.
- Bjørndal, T. & Guillen, J. (2017). Market integration between wild and farmed species in Spain. Aquaculture Economics & Management, 21(4), 433-451.
- Bjørndal, T., Pasquine, M. & Nesset, E. (2017). Does geographical clustering pay? Analysis of the Norwegian salted and dried cod industry. I Andersen, J.R., Bjørhusdal, E., Nesse, J.G., Årethun, T. (red.): Immateriell kapital. Fjordantologien 2017, 15, 275-295. Universitetsforlaget.
- Bjørndal, M. T., Bjørndal, T. & Ekerhovd, N.-A. (2017). Økonomisk analyse av klippfisknæringa. Økonomisk fiskeriforskning: Ledelse, marked, økonomi, 27(1), 1-13.
- Bjørndal, T. & Guillen, J. (2017). Market integration between wild and farmed seabream and seabass in Spain. Applied Economics, 49(45), 4567-4578.
- King, A.S., Elliott, N.G., James, M.A., MacLeod, C.K. & Bjørndal, T. (2016). Technology selection – the impact of economic risk on decision making. Aquaculture Economics Management.
- Bjørndal, T., Guillén, J. & Imsland, A. (2016). The potential of aquaculture sole production in Europe: Production costs and markets. Aquaculture Economics Management, 20(1), 109-129.
- Bjørndal, T., Brasão, A., Ramos, J. & Tusvik, A. (2016). Fish processing in Portugal: An industry in expansion. Marine Policy, 72, 94-106.
- Bjørndal, T., Child, A., Lem, A. & Dey, M.M. (2015). Value Chain Dynamics and the Small-scale Sector: A Summary of Findings and Policy Recommendations for Fisheries and Aquaculture Trade. Aquaculture Economics & Management, 19(1), 148-173.
- Bjørndal, T., Lappo, A. & Ramos, J. (2014). An economic analysis of the Portuguese fisheries sector 1960-2011. Marine Policy, 51, 21-30.
- Adhikari, C.B. & Bjørndal, T. (2014). Economic Relationship between Access to Land and Rural Poverty in Nepal. Applied Economics Journal, 21(1), 20-41.
- Bjørndal, T. & Lindroos, M. (2014). Noncooperative Management of the Northeast Atlantic Cod Fishery: A First Mover Advantage. Natural Resource Modeling, 27(3), 396-410.
- Asche, F., Tranberg Bjørndal, M. & Bjørndal, T. (2014). Development in fleet fishing capacity in rights based fisheries. Marine Policy, 44, 166-171.
- Ekerhovd, N.-A. & Bjørndal, T. (2014). Management of Pelagic Fisheries in the Northeast Atlantic: Norwegian Spring Spawning Herring, Mackerel, and Blue Whiting. Marine Resource Economics, 29(1), 69-83.
- Asche, F. & Bjørndal, T. (2014). Salmon aquaculture: environmental impacts and economic implications. In Woo, P.T.K. and Noakes, D.J. (eds.): Salmon: biology, ecological impacts and economic importance, Chap. 15, 307-326.
- Bjørndal, T. & Steinshamn, S.I. (2013). On the Contributions of Professor Rögnvaldur Hannesson to Fisheries Economics. Marine Resource Economics, 28(4), 345-350. - Bjørndal, T. & Munro, G.M. (2012). The Economics of Fisheries Management. Oxford University Press.
- Bjørndal, T. & Lindroos, M. (2011). Cooperative and non-cooperative management of the Northeast Atlantic cod fishery. Journal of Bioeconomics, 14, 41-60.
- Asche, F. & Bjørndal, T. (2011). The Economics of Salmon Aquaculture. 2nd Edition. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Bjørndal, T. (2009). Overview, Roles, and Performance of the North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC). Marine Policy 33(4), 685-697.
- Asche, F., Bjørndal, T. & Gordon, D.V. (2009). Resource Rent in Individual Quota Fishery. Land Economics 85(2), 280-292.
- Gordon, D.V., Bjørndal, T., Day, M. & Talukder, R.K. (2008). An Intra-Farm Study of Production Factors and Productivity for Shrimp Farms in Bangladesh: An Index Approach. Marine Resource Economics 23: 411-424.