Sturla F. Kvamsdal

Academic profile
I am an environmental and resource economist with a background from mathematics. My main position is senior researcher here at SNF. I am also adjunct professor at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences and associate editor of the journal Natural Resource Modeling. I currently lead the CASINO-project funded by the Research Council of Norway, and occasionally, I am convener of Bergen Fisheries Economics Workshop. I do research on natural capital measures, integrated ocean management, and climate change in the Arctic. I also do some research in public economics. The methods I use include optimization and dynamic programming, Kalman filtering, and various econometric and machine learning methods. My teaching has mainly been on sustainable energy economics and introductory environmental economics. I have also been involved in courses on corporate environmental responsibility and ethics of climate change.
Selected publications
- Haraldsvik, M., Hopland, A.O., Kvamsdal, S.F. Determinants of municipal investments. Applied Economics, forthcoming.
- Ashrafi, T.A., Hermansen, Ø., Kvamsdal. S.F. (2023). The effect of quota portfolio composition on optimal harvest strategy and profitability in a multi-species fishery. ICES Journal of Marine Science 80(8), 2099-2113 (
- Ni, Y., Sandal, L.K., Kvamsdal, S.F., Hansen, C. (2023). Using feedforward neural networks to represent ecosystem dynamics for bioeconomic analysis. Marine Ecology Progress Series 716, 1-15.
- Hopland, A.O., Kvamsdal, S.F. (2023). Drinking water contamination and treatment costs. Water Resources and Economics 43, 100225 (doi: 10.1016/j.wre.2023.100225).
- Ni, Y., Sandal, L.K., Kvamsdal, S.F. (2023). Greed is good: heuristic adaptations for resilience in renewable resource management. Natural Resource Modeling 36(2), e12367 (doi: 10.1111/nrm.12367).
- Hopland, A.O., Kvamsdal, S.F. (2023). Building conditions and citizen satisfaction with local public services. Facilities 41(1/2), 126-139 (doi: 10.1108/f-03-2022-0040).
- Kvamsdal, S.F. (2023). An exploratory analysis of warming effects on wealth in the Barents Sea fisheries. Economic Analysis and Policy 77, 34-50 (doi: 10.1016/j.eap.2022.10.016).
- Kvamsdal, S., A.O. Hopland, Y. Li, and S. Selle (2023). Expert opinions on threats and impacts in the marine environment. Marine Policy 147, 105382 (doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2022.105382).
- Hopland, A.O. and Kvamsdal, S.F. (2022). Tap water quality: In the eye of the beholder. Journal of Water & Health 20(9), 1436-1444 (doi: 10.2166/wh.2022.151).
- Kvamsdal, S.F., Dankel, D., Ekerhovd, N.-A., Hoel, A.H., Renner, A., Sandø, A.B., and Steinshamn, S.I. (2022). Multidisciplinary perspectives on living marine resources in the Arctic. Polar Research 41, 7766, (doi: 10.33265/polar.v41.7766).
- Ni, Y., Steinshamn, S.I., and Kvamsdal, S.F. (2022). Negative shocks in an age-structured bioeconomic model and how to deal with them. Economic Analysis and Policy 76, 15-30 (doi: 10.1016/j.eap.2022.07.009).
- Kvamsdal, S.F. (2022). Optimal Management of a Renewable Resource Under Multiple Regimes. Environmental and Resource Economics 81(3), 481-499 (doi: 10.1007/s10640-021-00636-z).
- Sandal, L.K., Kvamsdal, S.F., Maroto, J.M., and M. Morán (2021). A contraction approach to dynamic optimization problems. PLoS ONE 16(11): e0260257 (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0260257).
- Kvamsdal, S.F., I. Belik, A.O. Hopland, and Y. Li. (2021). A machine learning analysis of the recent environmental and resource economics literature. Environmental & Resource Economics 79(1), 93-115 (doi: 10.1007/s10640-021-00554-0).
- Kvamsdal, S.F., L.K. Sandal, and D. Poudel (2020). Ecosystem wealth in the Barents Sea. Ecological Economics 171, 106602.
- Kvamsdal, S.F., J.M. Maroto, M. Moran, and L.K. Sandal (2020). Bioeconomic modeling of seasonal fisheries. European Journal of Operational Research 281(2), 332-340.
- Hopland, A.O., S.F. Kvamsdal, and L.K. Sandal (2019). An analysis of maintenance schedules for public facilities. Operations Research and Decisions 29(1), 17-35.
- Hopland, A.O. and S.F. Kvamsdal (2019). Building Conditions in Norwegian Local Governments: Trends and Determinants. Facilities 37(3/4), 141-156.
- Kvamsdal, S.F., J.M. Maroto, M. Morán, and L.K. Sandal (2017). A bridge between continuous and discrete-time bioeconomic models: Seasonality in fisheries. Ecological Modeling 364, 124-131 (doi: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.09.020).
- Kvamsdal, S.F. (2016). Technical Change as a Stochastic Trend in a Fisheries Model. Marine Resource Economics 31(4), 403-419.
- Kvamsdal, S.F., A. Eide, N.-A. Ekerhovd, K. Enberg, A. Gudmundsdottir, A.H. Hoel, K. Mills, F. Mueter, L. Ravn-Jonsen, L.K. Sandal, J.E. Stiansen, and N. Vestergaard (2016). Harvest Control Rules in Modern Fisheries Management. Elementa 4, 114.
- Kvamsdal, S.F., D. Poudel, and L.K. Sandal (2016). Harvesting in a Fishery with Stochastic Growth and a Mean-Reverting Price. Environmental & Resource Economics 63(3), 643-663 (doi: 10.1007/s10640-014-9857-x).
Main research projects
CASINO: Winners and losers in the climate casino (Research Council of Norway, project no. 325665).
Production in the Barents Sea Fisheries (Research Council of Norway, project no. 302197).
ARC-Change: ARCtic Marine Resources under Climate Change: Environmental, Socio-Economic Perspectives and Governance (Research Council of Norway, project no. 257630).
EINSAM: Ecosystem-Economic Interactions in the Norwegian Sea: Analysis and Management (Research Council of Norway, project no. 234238).
BMAME - Bioeconomic Multispecies Analysis of Marine Ecosystems (Research Council of Norway, project no. 196433)
- Kvamsdal, S.F. (2023). A matter of time: Discrete versus continuous time in bioeconomic models. SNF Working Paper 09/23.
- Hopland, A.O., Kvamsdal, S.F. (2023). Water treatment costs and impacts on drinking water quality. Global Water Forum 2023/07/06 (link).
- Kvamsdal, S.F. (2023). Assimilation. In Dictionary of Ecological Economics (eds. B.M. Haddad, B.D. Solomon), Edward Elgar Publishing (doi: 10.4337/9781788974912.A.42)
- Kvamsdal. S.F. (2023). Assimilative capacity. In Dictionary of Ecological Economics (eds. B.M. Haddad, B.D. Solomon), Edward Elgar Publishing (doi: 10.4337/9781788974912.A.43)
- Kvamsdal, S.F. (2018). All the Boats on the Ocean. How Government Subsidies Led to Global Overfishing. By Carmel Finley [review]. Marine Resource Economics 33(1), 113-117 (doi: 10.1086/696003).
- Eskeland, G., Kvamsdal, S.F. (2015). Naturressurser og økonomer: Naturressursenes økonomi. Samfunnsøkonomen Nr. 1, 2015, 81-83 (in Norwegian).