Margrethe Aanesen

Research interests:
- Management of Marine ecosystem services
- Cost-Benefit analyses
- Valuation of non-market goods and services (ecosystem services)
Selected publications
- Aanesen, M., Ahi, J.C., Abate, T.G., Khan, F.R., de Vries, F.P., Kite-Powell, H. & Beaumont, N.J. (2024). Insights from Past International Protocols for the Global Plastic Treaty. Scientific Reports 14, article #2750,
- Aanesen, M., Armstrong, C.W., Borch, T., Fieler, R., Hausner, V., Kipperberg, G., Lindhjem, H. & Navrud, S. (2023). To tell or not to tell: Preference elicitation with and without emphasis on scientific uncertainty. Land Economics, 99(3), 397-412,
- Ahi, J.C., Aanesen, M. & Kipperberg, G. (2023). Testing the sensitivity of stated environmental preferences to variations in choice architecture. Ecological Economics 205, 1-17,
- Aanesen, M., Rensburg, T.v. & Armstrong, C.W. (2021). Do we choose differently after a discussion? Land Economics, 97(1), 207-223,
- Aanesen, M., Czakowski, M., Lindhjem, H. & Navrud, S. (2022). Trade-offs in the transition to a blue economy - Mapping social acceptance of aquaculture expansion in Norway. Science of The Total Environment,
- Ahi , J.C., Aanesen, M. & Kipperberg, G. (2022). Testing the sensitivity of stated environmental preferences on variations in choice architecture. Ecological Economics, 205,
- Abate, T. G., Borger, T., Aanesen, M., Falk-Andersson, J., Wyles, K. & Beaumont, N. (2020). Valuation of Marine Plastic Pollution in the European Arctic: Applying an Integrated Choice and Latent Variable Model to Contingent Valuation. Ecological Economics, 169,
- Armstrong, C., Aanesen, M., Sandorf, E. & Rensburg, T.v. (2019). Willingness to pay to protect cold water corals. An economic argument for inclusive ocean governance. Conservation Biology,
- Dushani, S. N., Amarasinghe, O. & Aanesen, M. (2019). Is the Sri Lankan ecotourism industry threatened by climate change? A case study of Rekawa coastal wetland using contingent visitation approach. Forthcoming in Environment and Development Economics
- Beaumont, N. J., Aanesen, M., Austen, M., Börger, T., Clark, J., Cole, M., Hooper, T., Lindeque, P. K., Pascoe, C. & Wyles, K. (2019). Global ecological, social and economic impacts of marine plastic. Marine Pollution Bulletin 142, 189-195,
- Aanesen, M. & Mikkelsen, E. (2019). Cost-benefit analysis of aquaculture expansion in Arctic Norway. Aquaculture Economics and Management,
- Aanesen, M. & Armstrong, C. W. (2019). Trading Off Co-produced Marine Ecosystem Services: Natural Resource Industries Versus Other Use and Non-use Ecosystem Service Values. Frontiers in Marine Science, March 2019,
- Aanesen, M., Falk-Andersson, J., Vondolia, K., Navrud, S., Borch, T. & Tinch, D. (2018). Valuing coastal recreation and the visual intrusion from commercial activities in Arctic Norway. Ocean and Coastal Management, 153, 157-167
- Armstrong, C., Kahui, V., Vondolia, G. K., Aanesen, M. & Czajkowski, M. (2017). Use and non-use values in an applied bioeconomic model of fisheries and habitat connections. Marine Resource Economics, 32(4), 351-369
- Bui, B. X., Sandorf, E. D. & Aanesen, M. (2017). Informing management strategies for a reserve: Results from a discrete choice experiment survey. Ocean & Coastal Management, 145, 35-43
- Sandorf, E., Aanesen, M. & Navrud, S. (2016). Valuing unfamiliar and complex environmental goods: A comparison of valuation workshops and internet panel survey with videos. Ecological Economics, 129, 50-61,
- Aanesen, M. & Armstrong, C. (2016). The political game of European fisheries Management. Environmental and Resource Economics, 63(4), 745-763
- Schmidt, J., Aanesen, M., Klokov, K. & Hausner, V. (2015). Demographic and economic characteristics of Arctic Regions. Polar Geography, 19(4), 35
- Msomphora, M. & Aanesen, M. (2015). Is the Catch Quota Management (CQM) Mechanism Attractive to Fishers? A preliminary analysis of the Danish 2011 CQM trial project. Marine Policy 58, 78-87
- Aanesen, M., Armstrong, C., Czajkowski, M., Falk-Petersen, J., Hanley, N. & Navrud, S. (2015). Willingness to pay for unfamiliar public goods: preserving cold-water coral in Norway. Ecological Economics 112, 53-67
- LaRiviere, J., Czajkowski, M., Hanley, N., Aanesen, M., Falk-Petersen, J. & Tinch, D. (2015). The value of Familiarity: effects of knowledge and objective signals on Willingness to pay for a public good. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
- Aanesen, M., Armstrong, C., Röckmann, C. & Bloomfield, H. W. (2014). What does stakeholder involvement mean for fisheries regulations? Ecology and Society
- Aanesen, M. & Armstrong, C. (2014). The implications of stakeholder involvement in fisheries regulations. Land Economics 90(3), 560-573
- Aanesen, M. & Armstrong, C. (2013). Stakeholder influence and optimal regulations: A common agency analysis of fisheries regulations. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 169(2), 320-338
- Aanesen, M., Armstrong, C. & Kahui, V. (2013). Økonomisk verdsetting av havmiljø, Samfunnsøkonomen nr. 4, Oslo (Economic valuation of marine ecosystem services, only in Norwegian)
- Aanesen, M., Armstrong, C. & van Hoof, L. (2012). The changing environment of fisheries policy in Europe. Marine Policy, 36(5), 1172-1177
- Aanesen, M. (2012). Sequential bargaining, external effects of agreement, and public intervention. Journal of Economics, 105(2), 145-160
- Aanesen, M., Lotherington, A.L. & Olsen, F. (2011). Smarter elder care? A cost-effectiveness anaysis of implementing technology in elder care. Health Informatics Journal 17(3), 161-172
- Aanesen, M., Moilanen, M. & Olsen, F. (2010). Economic gains from electronic message exchange: The importance of procedures. International Journal of Medical Informatics 79, 658-667
Selected current and previous research projects:
- 2021-2028: Climate Futures (The Research Council of Norway)
- 2020-2022: The Coronavirus Crisis: Development of Capabilities on Measuring and Managing its Effects in the Norwegian Food, Service and Seafood Export Industries (The Research Council of Norway)
- 2019-2022:Norwegian aquaculture – in the span between domestic social acceptance and foreign market demands (BALANCE). Budget 8,8 NOK, Funded by the Research Council of Norway. Project leader.
- 2017-2020: Changing uses and values of marine ecosystem services in Norwegian Arctic (MarES). Funded by the Research Council of Norway. Budget 10.8 mill NOK. Project leader.
- 2015-2019:PrimeFish. Financed by the EU research program Horizon 2020. Budget 8 mill Euro. Leader of task 3.5 in WP3. Project includes 12 partners and 35 researchers.
- 2013-2016: Non-commercial values attached to marine resources in the coastal zone. Financed by the the Research Council of Norway. Budget 6.2 mill NOK. Project leader.
- 2012-2015: Habitat-Fisheries interactions – valuation and bioeconomic modelling of cold-water coral. Financed by the Research Council of Norway. Budget 7.5 mill NOK. Responsible for implementing one stated preference (SP) survey and organize two follow up surveys.
- 2008-2011: MEFEPO – making the European Fisheries Ecosystem plans operational. Financed under EU Framework program 7. Budget 6 mill EUR. Responsible for implementing WP3. Project included 10 partners and 25 researchers.
- 1989-2008: Working in the applied research institute Norut I was the project leader of about 20 larger and smaller Projects.