Astrid Oline Ervik

Phone: +47 55 95 96 13
Academic title: PhD, University of Cambridge
Research interests
- Education economics
- Labour economics
- Personnel economics
- Public economics
- Economic growth
- "Frafall i høyere utdanning - konsekvenser for arbeidsmarkedskarriere." With Julian Vedeler Johnsen. SNF-report 01/22.
- "Foreløpig effektevaluering av modulstrukturert forberedende voksenopplæring (FVO). SNF-report 14/21.
- "Finansiering for kvalitet, mangfold og samspill. Nytt finansieringssystem for universiteter og høyskoler", with Torbjørn Hægeland, Expert group white paper to the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research,
finansieringuh_rapport.pdf, 2015. - "Essays on sector-specific risk, educational choices, and mobility across sectors", Faculty of Economics, Cambridge University, Ph.D. thesis, 2009.
- Book review: Astrid Oline Ervik (2003): IQ and the Wealth of Nations, The Economic Journal, 113 (488), F406-F408.
- "A Theory-Based Measure of the Output of the Education Sector", with Erling Holmøy and Torbjørn Hægeland, Discussion Papers 353, Research Department, Statistics Norway, 2003.
- "Produksjon og ressursbruk innenfor høyere utdanning i Norge", with Erling Holmøy and Torbjørn Hægeland, Økonomiske Analyser 4/2002, Statistics Norway, 2002.
- "Inputs and Outputs of the Higher Education Sector", Hovedoppgave (Master thesis), University of Oslo. Supervisor: Research Director Erling Holmøy, Statistics Norway, 2000.
- "The Impact of Trade and Wages on Growth in Developing Countries", with Isabell Adenauer, Kiel Advanced Studies Working Paper No. 333 (1998).
Ongoing research
- Well-schooled for work? School-work and work-school transitions, and the labor market returns to vocational education and training
- Evaluering av forsøk med forberedende voksenopplæring og modulstrukturert videregående opplæring for voksne
- Automated Away? Causes and Consequences of Robots on Jobs and Families
- Forskningsbasert evaluering av utprøving av modeller for tilskudd til utstyr i yrkesfag