Armando J. Garcia Pires

Armando J. Garcia Pires

Senior Researcher

Academic title: PhD

Research interests

  • International Economics
  • Industrial Organization
  • Economic Development

Selected publications

  • The value of screening tools in cartel cases (with Malin Arve, Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui and Ronny Gjendemsjø). Forthcoming in European Competition Journal.
  • Ad-Valorem Taxes, Prices and Content Diversification in the News Market(2023). Games, 14(2).
  • Pires, A.J.G. and Skjeret, F. (2022). Screening for partial collusion in retail electricity markets. Energy Economics, 117.
  • Arve, M., Garcia Pires, A. and Skjeret, F. (2022). Bidding competition in the Norwegian market for road maintenance. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 56(4), 464-487.
  • Milford, A.B., Trandem, N. and Garcia Pires, A., (2021). Fear of pesticides residues and preference for domestically produced strawberries. Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, 102, 369-391.
  • Pires, A.P. (2021). Net neutrality and content provision. The Manchester School, 89(6), 569-593.
  • Bjorvatn, K., Ekström, M. and Garcia Pires, A. (2021). Setting goals for keystone habits improves labor market prospects and life satisfaction for unemployed youth: Experimental evidence from Norway. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 188, 1109-1123.
  • Berge, L. I. & Garcia Pires, A. (2021). Measuring spillover effects from an entrepreneurship program: Evidence from a field experiment in Tanzania. Journal of Development Studies, 57(10), 1755-1775.
  • Garcia Pires, A. (2020). Content Provision in the Media Market with Single-Homing and Multi-Homing Consumers. Review of Network Economics, 19(1).
  • Garcia Pires, A. & Pontes, J. P. (2020). (De)Industrialization, Technology and Transportation. Open Economies Review, 32, 527-538.
  • Berge, L. I. & Garcia Pires, A. J. (2020). Gender, Formality, and Entrepreneurial Success. Small Business Economics, 55, 881-900.
  • Garcia Pires, A. J., Kind, H.-J. & Sørgard, L. (2017). The Effects of Strategic News Sources on Media Coverage. Information Economics and Policy, 41, 28-35.
  • Brekke, K., Garcia Pires, A. J., Schindler, D. & Schjelderup, G. (2017). Capital Taxation and Imperfect Competition: ACE vs. CBIT. Journal of Public Economics, 147, 1-15.
  • Garcia Pires, A. J., Kolstad, I. & Wiig, A. (2017). Within-Group Heterogeneity and Group Dynamics: Analyzing Exit of Microcredit Groups in Angola. Oxford Development Studies, 45, 338-351.
  • Garcia Pires, A. J. (2017). Media Plurality: Private versus Mixed Duopolies. Journal of Public Economic Theory, 43, 255-283.
  • Garcia Pires, A. J. (2017). Media Plurality and Pluralism. European Journal of Law and Economics, 18, 942-960.
  • Berge, L., Bjorvatn, K., Garcia Pires, A. J. & Tungodden, B. (2015). Competitive in the Lab, Successful in the Field? Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 118, 303-317.
  • Garcia Pires, A. J. (2015). Multinationals, R&D and Endogenous Productivity Asymmetries. International Economic Journal, 29, 95-119.
  • Garcia Pires, A. J. (2014). Media Plurality, Advertising, and Adaptation of News to Readers' Political Preferences. Information Economics and Policy, 28, 28-38.
  • Garcia Pires, A. J. (2014). Beyond Trade Costs: Firms' Endogenous Access to International Markets. Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 14(2), 229-257.
  • Garcia Pires, A. J. (2013). Home Market Effects with Endogenous Costs of Production. Journal of Urban Economics, 74, 47-58.
  • Garcia Pires, A. J. & Pontes, J. (2013). Spatial Scope of a Modern Transport Technology. Journal of Regional Science, 53(4), 712-723.
  • Garcia Pires, A. J. (2013). Media Plurality and the Intensity of Readers' Political Preferences. Journal of Media Economics, 26(1), 41-55.
  • Garcia Pires, A. J. (2012). Can Governments Reverse First-Mover Advantages of Foreign Competitors? Economics Bulletin, 32, 1521-1530.
  • Garcia Pires, A. J. (2012). International Trade and Competitiveness. Economic Theory, 50(3), 727-763.
  • Garcia Pires, A. J. (2009). R&D and Endogenous Asymmetries between Firms. Economics Letters, 103, 153–156. 

Selected research projects

  • Tele-media
  • Micro-credit
  • Tax-havens