
The wisdom in crowd sourced weather forecasts
Michael Morreau, Keita Abe and Margrethe Aanesen
Screening for partial collusion in retail electricity markets
Armando Garcia Pires and Frode Skjeret
Energy Economics, 117 (2022)
Building conditions and citizen satisfaction with local public services
Arnt-Ove Hopland and Sturla Kvamsdal
Facilities (2022)
Increasing turnout with a text message: evidence from a large campaign from the government
Ole-Andreas Elvik Næss
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (2022)
Søvn- og mobilvaner. Effekter av refleksjon og informasjonsdulter
Armando Garcia Pires og Nina Serdarevic
The Costs and Environmental Justice Concerns of NIMBY in Solid Waste Disposal
Phuong Ho
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (2022)
Testing the sensitivity of stated environmental preferences on variations in choice architecture
Jülide Ceren Ahi, Margrethe Aanesen and Gorm Kipperberg
Ecological Economics, 205 (2022)
Choosing Competition on Behalf of Someone Else
Helena Fornwagner, Monika Pompeo and Nina Serdarevic
Management Science (2022)
Nonlinear pricing, biased consumers, and regulatory policy
Phuong Ho
Journal of Economics (2022)
China's seafood imports - Not for domestic consumption? An estimated 74.9% of China's seafood imports are reexported
Frank Asche, Bixuan Yang, Jessica A. Gephart, Martin D. Smith, James L. Anderson, Edward V. Camp, Taryn M. Garlock, David C. Love, Atle Øglend and Hans-Martin Straume
Science, 375(6579), 386-388 (2022)
Impacts of Covid-19 on Norwegian salmon exports: A firm-level analysis
Hans-Martin Straume, Frank Asche, Atle Øglend, Erik Bjørheim Abrahamsen, Anna M. Birkenbach, Johannes Langguth, Guillaume Lanquepin and Kristin Helen Roll
Aquaculture, 561 (2022)
Challenges and opportunities: impacts of COVID-19 on Norwegian seafood exports
Frank Asche, Hans-Martin Straume, Taryn Garlock, Ulf Johansen, Sturla F. Kvamsdal, Rune Nygaard, Ruth B.M. Pincato and Ragnar Tveterås
Aquatic Living Resources, 35, 15 (2022)
The comeback effect: How happy are people who have recovered from a COVID-19 infection?
Micael Dahlen, Helge Thorbjørnsen, Petra von Heideken Wågert, Charlotta Hellström, Birgitta Kerstis, Daniel Lindberg, Jonas Stier and Maria Elvén
International Journal of Wellbeing, 12(2), 114-133 (2022)
Trade-offs in the transition to a blue economy - Mapping social acceptance of aquaculture expansion in Norway
Margrethe Aanesen, Mikołaj Czakowski, Henrik Lindhjem and Ståle Navrud
Science of The Total Environment (2022)