An automatic algorithm for generating seaborne transport pattern maps based on AIS
Haiying Jia, Ove Daae Lampe, Veronika Soltészova and Siri Pettersen Strandenes
Maritime Economics & Logistics, 1-12 (2017)
Within-group heterogeneity and group dynamics: analyzing exit of microcredit groups in Angola
Ivar Kolstad, Armando Garcia Pires and Arne Wiig
Oxford Development Studies, 45(3), 338-351 (2017)
The effects of strategic news sources on media coverage
Hans Jarle Kind, Lars Sørgard and Armando Garcia Pires
Information Economics and Policy (2017)
The impact of regional environmental regulations on empirical vessel speeds
Roar Os Ådland, Gro Fonnes, Haiying Jia, Ove Daae Lampe and Siri Pettersen Strandenes
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 53, 37-49 (2017)
Are AIS-based trade volume estimates reliable? The case of crude oil exports
Roar Os Ådland, Haiying Jia and Siri Pettersen Strandenes
Maritime Policy & Management, 44(5), 657-665 (2017)
Energy efficiency with the application of virtual arrival policy
Haiying Jia, Roar Os Ådland, Vishnu Prakash and Tristan Smith
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 54, 50-60 (2017)
Building Conditions in Norwegian Local Governments: Trends and Determinants
Arnt O. Hopland and Sturla F. Kvamsdal
Avbyråkratisering i staten? Utfordringer ved prosjekt- og teamorganisering
Nicolay Mydland og Torstein Nesheim
Nordiske Organisasjonsstudier, 19(2), 3-24 (2017)
Coalition formation with externalities: The case of the Northeast Atlantic mackerel fishery in a pre and post brexit context
Evangelos Toumasatos and Stein-Ivar Steinshamn
The Effects of a Day Off from Retail Price Competition: Evidence on Consumer Behavior and Firm Performance in Gasoline Retailing
Øystein Foros, Mai Thi Nguyen and Frode Steen
Organizational Purpose in Management Control Systems
Andreas Lie Hauge and Dan-Richard Knudsen
Inter- og intraorganisatorisk samordning: Lærdommer fra strategien "Bolig for velferd"
Leif Jarle Gressgård, Kåre Hansen og Torstein Nesheim
Nordiske Organisasjonsstudier, 19(1), 24-50 (2017)
Mellomledd i oppdragsmarkedet
Liv Helene Roverud, Tor Kristian Kjølvik, Torstein Nesheim og Kristin Jesnes
Søkelys på arbeidslivet, nr. 3, 199-215 (2017)
Norwegian port connectivity and its policy implications
Haiying Jia, Ove Daae Lampe, Veronika Solteszova and Siri P. Strandenes
Maritime Policy & Management (2017)
The Effect of Industrial Diversification on Banks’ Performance. A case study of the Norwegian banking market
Sigve Aarflot and Lars Arnegård