Svenn-Åge Dahl
Research interests
- Welfare
- Health
- Labour market
Selected publications
- Dahl, S-Å., Hansen, H-T. and Vignes, B. (2015). His, Her, or Their Divorce? Marital Dissolution and Sickness Absence in Norway. Journal of Marriage and Family, Vol. 77(2), 461-479.
- Dahl, S-Å., Hansen, H-T. and Olsen, K.M. (2010). Sickness Absence among Immigrants in Norway, 1992-2003. Acta Sociologica, Vol. 53(1), 35-52.
- K.M. Olsen and Dahl, S-Å. (2010) Working Time and Sickness Absence. International Journal of Social Welfare, Vol. 19(1), pp. 45-53.
- Büsch, V., Dahl, S-Å., and Dittrich, D.A.V. (2009). An Empirical Study of Age Discrimination in Norway and Germany. Applied Economics, Vol. 41(5), 633-651.
- Dahl, S-Å., Nesheim, T. and Olsen, K.M. (2009). Quality of work. Concept and Measurement. In Guillén, A.M. and Dahl, S-Å. (eds.): Quality of Work in the European Union. Concept, Data and Debates from a Transnational Perspective. Brussels: P.I.E. Peter Lang.
- Olsen, K.M. and Dahl, S-Å. (2007). Health differences between European countries. Social Science & Medicine, Vol. 64(8), 1665-1678.
- Aakvik, A. and Dahl, S-Å. (2006). Transitions to Employment from Labour Market Enterprises in Norway. International Journal of Social Welfare, Vol. 15(2), 121-130.
- Aakvik, A., Dahl, S-Å. and Vaage, K. (2006). Late Careers and Career Exits in Norway. In Blossfeld, H.P., Buchholz, S. and Hofäcker, D. (eds.): Globalization, Uncertainty and Late Careers in Society. London: Routledge.
- Dahl, S-Å., Nilsen, Ø.A. and Vaage, K. (2003). Gender Differences in Early Retirement Behaviour. European Sociological Review, Vol. 19(2), 179-198.
- Bratberg, E., Dahl, S-Å. and Risa, A.E. (2002). The Double Burden - Do Combinations of Career and Family Obligations Increase the Sickness Absence among Females? European Sociological Review, Vol. 18(2), 233-249.
- Dahl, S-Å., Nilsen, Ø.A. and Vaage, K. (2000). Work or retirement? Exit Routes for Norwegian Elderly. Applied Economics, Vol. 32(14), 1865-1876.
- Dahl, S-Å. and Nesheim, T. (1998). Downsizing Strategies and Institutional Environments. Scandinavian Journal of Management, Vol. 14(3), 239-257.
- Petersen, T., Spilerman, S. and Dahl, S-Å. (1989). The Structure of Employment Terminations among Clerical Employees in a Large Bureaucracy. Acta Sociologica, Vol. 32(4), 319-338.