Nils-Arne Ekerhovd

Research interests
- Environmental and natural resource economics
Selected publications
- Sturla F. Kvamsdal, Dorothy Dankel, Nils-Arne Ekerhovd, Alf Håkon Hoel. Angelika H. H. Renner, Anne Britt Sandø, and Stein Ivar Steinshamn (2022). Multidisciplinary perspectives on living marine resources in the Arctic. Polar Research forthcoming.
- Nils-Arne Ekerhovd, Sjur Didrik Flåm and Stein Ivar Steinshamn (2021). On Shared Use of Renewable Stocks. European Journal of Operational Research 290(3): 1125-1135
- Nils-Arne Ekerhovd and Daniel V. Gordon (2020). Profitability, Capacity and Productivity Trends in an Evolving Rights Based Fishery: The Norwegian Purse Seine Fishery. Environmental and Resource Economics 77: 565-591 DOI: 10.1007/s10640-020-00508-y.
- Nils-Arne Ekerhovd and Sturla F. Kvamsdal (2017). Up the Ante on Bioeconomic Submodels of Marine Foodwebs: A Data Assimilation-based Approach. Ecological Economics 131:250-61. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2016.09.005.
- Sturla F. Kvamsdal, Arne Eide, Nils-Arne Ekerhovd, Katja Enberg, Asta Gudmundsdottir, Alf Håkon Hoel, Katherine E. Mills, Franz Mueter, Lars Ravn-Jonsen, Leif K. Sandal, Jan Erik Stiansen, and Niels Vestergaard (2016). Harvest Control rules in modern fisheries management. Elementa: Science of the Antropocene. doi: 10.12952/journal.elementa.000114.
- Nils-Arne Ekerhovd and Stein Ivar Steinshamn (2016). Economic benefits of multi-species management: The pelagic fisheries in the North East Atlantic. Marine Resource Economics 31(2): 193-210.
- Trond Bjørndal and Nils-Arne Ekerhovd (2014). Management of Pelagic Fisheries in the North East Atlantic: Norwegian Spring Spawning Herring, Mackerel, and Blue Whiting, Marine Resource Economics 29(1): 69-83.
- Nils-Arne Ekerhovd and Daniel V. Gordon (2013). Catch, Stock Elasticity, and an Implicit Index of Fishing Effort, Marine Resource Economics 28(4): 379-395.
- Nils-Arne Ekerhovd (2010). The Stability and Resilience of Management Agreements on Climate-Sensitive Straddling Fishery Resources: The Blue Whiting Coastal State Agreement, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 67(3): 534-552.
Ongoing research projects
BESTEMT - Biological and Economic STrategies for sustainable Ecosystemservices
and ManagemenT (Research Council of Norway, project no. 324159).
Winners and losers in the climate casino: Arctic marine resources
under climate change (Research Council of Norway, project no. 325665).